Archive for the ‘ Marketing ’ Category

If it doesn’t save me Energy, Time, and Money… I won’t follow it!

Cynthia Wihardja Busines Coach ActionCOACH

Coach Cynthia

That’s what your employees are thinking.  That’s why the big thick book of SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) is only sitting on the shelf looking pretty.  That’s why people are still following their own way of working instead of working based on your system.

The word SYSTEM stands for:

Saving Your Self Time Energy & Money. Continue reading

Are you an entrepreneur or an employee with a business?

80% of businesses fail in 5 years time because owners only build a JOB for themselves, not a business that can eventually run autopilot.  What’s the difference between thinking like an entrepreneur and an employee in building a business? 

Cynthia Wihardja Busines Coach ActionCOACH

Coach Cynthia

We all know what JOB stands for… Just Over Broke.  And if you see your business as something you have to be actively involved in forever after, then get ready for burnout.  Business owners with an employee mindset think mostly of the day-to-day routines that are necessary to keep their business afloat.  They barely schedule any time for planning, building systems, or developing themselves as entrepreneurs.  They may hang out with people with the same problem and spend most of their time frustrated that they haven’t found the solution yet.  As years go by, they find themselves having a big BUSY-ness but a pretty stagnant BUSINESS.  Continue reading


I’m suggesting that customers don’t buy you; YOU buy THEM. 

Cynthia Wihardja Busines Coach ActionCOACH

Coach Cynthia

You purchase customers through the investments you make in every marketing strategy. For most businesses, marketing is an expense.  But for a few smart business owners, marketing is truly an investment.  That means, for every dollar you invest, you get more dollars in return.  In fact, you can get an unlimited marketing budget if the profits from your first sale exceed the cost of buying customers. 

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Perception : You Are Not what You Are, but You Are what Others Perceive


Coach Cahyadi Kurniawan

Coach Cahyadi

I found out I have not even written anything on this topic which actually is the most important part of doing business today. I daily preach about setting good image, establish brand name etc with the target of forming a certain (of course excellent) perception on the customers’ mind.

As I always say, we cannot expect we have the best and lower price product in the world, of which it will sell itself. Continue reading

Are You Treating Your Repeat Customers Better Than Your New Customers?

Are You Treating Your Repeat Customers Better Than Your New Customers

Marvin Suwarso

Coach Marvin

In his book “First Break All The Rules” Marcus Buckingham spoke about how the best managers in the world play favorites. They treat their best employees differently than their other employees. This in itself is an interesting point, but I recently had a couple of experiences that really drove home the point for me – only this time in a different context: just how important it is to treat your repeat customers better than your new ones.

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Test and Measure Your Business… and Your Life

Test and Measure Your Business… and Your Life

A basic part of the ActionCOACH system is our belief in the power of testing and measuring. No business should ever undertake a project or campaign without setting up a process which will test and measure its success.

Artikel Bahasa Indonesia : Uji dan Ukur Bisnis Anda dan Hidup Anda

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Uji dan Ukur Bisnis Anda dan Hidup Anda

Uji dan Ukur Bisnis Anda.. dan Hidup Anda

Salah satu sistem dasar dari sistem ActionCOACH adalah keyakinan pada kekuatan uji dan ukur. Seharusnya tak ada sebuah bisnis manapun yang melakukan sebuah proyek atau kampanye tanpa membuat sebuah proses uji dan ukur keberhasilan.

English Article : Test and Measure Your Business… and Your Life

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7 Anak Tangga dalam Tangga Kesetiaan Pelanggan

7 Anak Tangga dalam Tangga Kesetiaan Pelanggan

Tujuan dari Marketing di dalam bisnis adalah untuk mengurangi Acquisition Cost dan meningkatkan Lifetime Value. Kita akan membahas tentang Acquisition Cost pada diskusi selanjutnya dan sekarang berfokus pada cara untuk membangun Lifetime Value pelanggan Anda.

Keunikan Bisnis Anda

Keunikan di bisnis Anda

Selama bisnis Anda tidak memiliki perbedaan yang menonjol dari bisnis lain yang sejenis, maka Anda akan selalu ditekan dan terpaksa melakukan perang harga.

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The Business Owner who Did not Know

The Business Owner who did not know


Where my customers come from, I do not know

For all I know, they come and go

I pay for ads, I send some mail

I spend a fortune to no avail

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